Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Sisters Worked on What Contemplative Accompanniment meant to them during the Workshop

Contemplation as Accompaniment

We, as Poor Clares, reflected on the idea of ,Contemplation as Accompaniment, and we came to realize that this truth is a reality that we do daily almost without realizing it. It is simply an accompanying Jesus on theWay with my Sisters by following in the footprints of Clare and Francis. This entails the whole gamut of walking with others, with Creation and all of life. Our relationships with our sisters and others lead to our sensing the Divine Presence in every unfolding moment and being in tune with the Spirit. We are in mutuality most but not all of the time, continuing to stand with them. We allow one another to grow letting others be different but at the same time not losing the sense of self.
As we come to know the other we become more sensitive to their needs and are able to listen and hear what the other is truly saying. We allow them to make their needs known freely because of our comfortable presence and our respect of their dignity and of our own. We give the support and encouragement they need whether concrete or quietly as the situation necessitates.
A relationship with others is intrinsic to our relationship with God. As Scripture says, “If you cannot love your brother or sister that you can see how can you love the God whom you cannot see?” All communication is furthered by honesty but the honesty has to be compassionate. Compassionate honesty is necessary for trust.
Much of our contemplative accompaniment has to be in for the long haul, with the virtue of tenacity and patient endurance part of our responding to others. By our caring presence we bring to others, peace, hope and joy.
As music needs notes, we are the individual notes to the Melody of God which He is composing in our being, as our hearts expand to the dance of LIFE.


New Draft
We, as Poor Clares, reflected on the idea of ,Contemplation as Accompaniment, and we came to realize that this truth is a reality that we do daily almost without realizing it. It is simply recognizing Jesus as theWAY with my Sisters after the example of Clare and Francis. This entails the whole gamut of walking with others, with Creation and all of life. Our relationships with our sisters and others lead to our sensing the Divine Presence in every unfolding moment and being in tune with the Spirit.
A relationship with others is intrinsic to our relationship with God.
Much of our contemplative accompaniment has to be in for the long haul, with the virtue of tenacity and patient endurance. By our presence we bring to others, peace, hope and joy.
As music needs notes, we are the individual notes to the Melody of God which He is composing in our being, as our hearts expand to the dance of LIFE.


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