Sunday, January 28, 2024

PhotoStory90 Sister Francis transferred to our Monastery from Montana

Sister Francis transferred from the Montana Monastery to ours today, January 28, 2024. We rejoice on this wonderful gift to our Community

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Something's Missing from the Eucharistic Revival

A Poem by Edgar Allan Poe on Mary the Mother of God

Here is a poem from Edgar Allan Poe never recognized as a great poet until he wrote The Raven. Still, nothing brought money . He became a drunkard his wife was sick with TB and bills were always there. He met the Jesuits in Brooklyn where he lived. Poe never became a catholic but loved the blessed Virgin Mary. Here is his poem about Mary At morn, at noon, at twilight dim, Maria, thou hast heard my hymn! In joy and woe, in good and ill, Mother of God, be with me still! When the hours flew brightly by. And not a cloud observed the sky, My soul. lest it should truant be, Thy grace did guide to thine and thee; Now, when the storms of fate o,ercast Darkly my present and my past, Let my future radiant shine with sweet hopes of thee and thine. Edgar Allan Poe

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Today December 31 the Poor Clares of Chesterfield are Praying for Family Life the World Over and for Peace in Our World

The Poor Clares of Chesterfield prayed today before the Blessed Sacrament for Family Life throughout the World and for Peace because without peace in the World, our Country and in our own hearts we cannot have good family life.